Jun 21Liked by Sentimental Garbage

There’s nothing I’ve loved more than listening to you both create a ‘postcard’ of your holiday on the pod while I’m eating my continental breakfast …

I was so enamoured by Jen’s comment about Porco Rosso being the original ‘Tomato Girl’ that I created a bespoke mood board to memorialise this incredible take 🍅

I would love to send it to you both, but I’m not sure what is the best way? Xx

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Oh wow! Please we would love that- sentimentalpod@gmail.com

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This was delightful, please do the rest of the trip! X

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“The best way to imagine being Naples is to imagine what it might feel like to be inside an accordion while somebody is playing it.” This is superb! (All of it, not just that sentence.) Glad I’ve found you and look forward to reading about the rest of your trip.

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Oh I LOVE this, the vibes based system is 100% the way forward!

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Absolutely loved this. Although now I have insane FOMO and need to go to Italy.

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Ahhhh man I love this so much. Your tips on Florence were 👌🏽 I wrote about it too being the most beautiful place {THE BUSKERS SING OPERA!! 🥲} but also so overwhelming with the amount of tourists. Do less but do it well is such a good tip for travelling….and life in general. 🥰🥰🥰

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As a native Slovenian — PLEASE don’t forget!

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Completely brilliant article - thank you x

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